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The rise of social media as a search engine - Storyblocks

The rise of social media as a search engine and how creators can take advantage

To ensure that your content shows up in the search results for these platforms, following social media SEO best practices is essential.
Social media as a search engine - understanding SEO for social media and how creators can take advantage

“Googling it” may be a thing of the past. Recent studies show that younger generations are far more likely to use social media sites like TikTok or Instagram to search for information about brands or products. They’re also opting to get their news from these sites, along with looking for local restaurants. And when it comes to the way they consume content, they prefer short-form videos to keyword-rich landing pages. With so many people choosing to use social media as a search engine, creators and brands should be taking a closer look at their social media strategies.

To ensure that your content shows up in the search results for these platforms, following social media SEO best practices is essential. In this post, we’ll dive into the numbers behind this change in behavior, why younger generations are using social media for search, and how to optimize your content with SEO for social media.

The rise of social media as a search engine by the numbers

  • As of October of 2023, a third of American adults aged 18-29 say they regularly get their news from TikTok (source).
  • 75% of consumers have used social media to search for or discover new products and brands, with 57% of Gen Z consumers saying they discover new products on social media.
  • 68% of consumers have made a purchase based on something they saw on social media (source).
  • Google’s own research shows that almost 40% of young people go to TikTok or Instagram when looking for information like finding a place for lunch (source).

Why younger generations prefer social media and video

Understanding the “why” behind this trend boils down to human connection, trust, and preference. One of the major factors is that social content comes from real people as opposed to a faceless website. Younger generations trust user-generated content more than branded content, and prefer the advice of their peers – including influencers and creators.

TikTok videos also offer a different opinion from Google’s ads and websites that are optimized for search. In a report by the New York Times, one Gen Z consumer said that TikTok videos “don’t seem as biased” as Google. And that’s a fair point, as the first few results on Google are often sponsored. So far on TikTok, there’s no way to pay to appear at the top of search results within the app. Any ads on TikTok that appear within the feed are clearly labeled with a sponsored or paid sponsorship tag.

Using SEO for social media to boost your content in search

With so many younger users using social media as a search engine, creators and brands need to be taking steps to make sure their videos or profile show up in search results. While search engine optimization (SEO) was developed as a strategy for websites, SEO can also apply to social media platforms. Even though the ranking factors for each platform’s search likely differ, there’s simple steps you can take with social media SEO. Incorporating the points outlined below will give your videos a better shot at appearing in their search results.

How to optimize your social media for SEO

Use hashtags and keywords strategically in captions and bios

Keywords are just as important on social platforms as they are on websites. Understanding how your audience searches is essential to make sure you’re using the right language in your videos and posts. With platforms like TikTok, a good first step is to use their search to find content similar to what you’re selling or promoting. As a baseline, your content should give algorithms all of the information they need to connect your content with a specific target audience.

If you’re creating video content about gardening, search that topic in Instagram or TikTok. Take note of what the top results are, what hashtags they use, and what keywords they include in their captions or profile. Then use those learnings to optimize your own content and profile. For brands, if you see creators or influencers who are showing up in the search results you want to be in, consider collaborating with them. Influencer partnerships can be a powerful addition to your social media strategy.

Take advantage of trends

Social media trends change quickly. So if you want to make sure what you’re posting does well, you have to stay on top of what’s popular. When it comes to trends, anything is fair game, including video formats, audio clips, or memes. TikTok moves the fastest of them all, so prioritize getting your content uploaded quickly if you want to hop on a trend. To learn how to find TikTok trends, check out our dedicated post on the topic here.

When it comes to jumping on trends, the best route is to get as creative as possible and test out different ideas. One company, Bee Joyful, saw a 300% increase in online sales after they took advantage of specific TikTok trends and viral moments to build brand awareness. They used those trends to teach viewers ways they could be more eco-conscious instead of simply just promoting their products and saw a massive win as a result.

Create content that answers customer questions

Search engines give people a way to ask specific questions or learn more about something. So if you already know the FAQs that your brand or channel typically gets, create videos that directly answer them. That way, if someone searches for that question or something similar, they can hear the answer directly from you.

This is a good opportunity for brands to address any potential concerns or hesitations that prospective customers may have. For example, try creating videos about return policies, warranties, or shipping times. For creators, try making videos that answer questions you regularly see on your content such as what camera or filming set up you use. Videos that answer common questions like these can be pinned to the top of your profile for easy reference on both TikTok and Instagram.

Engage with your audience

The final suggestion we have to improve your social media for SEO results is to engage your audience. Of course, building relationships should be a key part of any social media strategy. But it’s especially important when it comes to social media SEO. Respond to comments, like comments, and create video replies to show that you’re actively engaging with your community of viewers.

Find everything you need to create engaging content for social media

While Google won’t be going away anytime soon, this shift in search behavior gives brands and creators a new opportunity to connect with younger audiences. Social media SEO isn’t an exact science, but following the tips we outlined above should help give your videos a much better chance at appearing in relevant search results. Test out different ideas and see what works best!

Of course, the video content you create also needs to be engaging and high-quality to work. With a Storyblocks subscription, you can get unlimited downloads of over 2 million stock footage assets to use for TikTok videos, Instagram reels, and more. Explore our plans and sign up today to start creating better video, faster than ever.